--- Smashing! (Chocolate milk with Hersheys syrup)
--- Jolly Good (Whole milk)
--- Quite Lovely (2%)
--- Good (1%)
--- Adequate (Skim Milk)
--- Palatable (warm Goats milk)
--- Poor (Yak milk)
--- Dreadful (3 days past sell-by date)
--- Wretchedly Poor! (Panda milk - see Planet Earth, Mountains episode)
--- Foul! (Milk of Magnesia)
--- Bloody Hell! (Homemade 'yogurt' my kids make by hiding half-full sippy cups)
1 week ago
"LOL" really doesn't cover it. Perhaps "jolly risible"?
If I was doing a list of my own, Rice Milk would be near the bottom, with Soy Milk right below it.
Goats milk gets palatable? Your palate is kinder than mine. Goats milk = fetid spew. I think sippy cups mut be part goat. Their end products are much the same in my eyes.
Oh no, Katy, not my palate - David Attenborough's - being the most traveled person maybe ever, I figured he could probably take it. Me, I've never actually had goat's milk - just the cheese.
Now, is that "chocolate milk with Hershey's syrup", or "chocolate milk made by pouring Hershey's syrup into standard milk"? Because one of those is smashing, and the other is... overkill.
Oh no, the latter. Mr. Attenborough prefers his chocolate milk be made by adding hersheys syrup (pref. Special Dark) to previously unflavored Jolly Good 3% or Quite Lovely 2%. When asked whether it would be okay to add syrup to (already) chocolate milk, Mr. Attenborough responded "Good God, Man! Do you want me to be wandering about all night?"
Good show, here here!
Now a challenge: I would like to see Bear Grylls' insect preference scale!
We were watching that Living Planet show on The Mountians the other day, and I heard the quote about Panda milk. Are any of the others tracable to their source?
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