--- As Good as I've Ever Had! (cooked python, Australia)
--- Actually Quite Tasty (raw fish, the Alps)
--- Not Half Bad
--- Right Now Even This Tastes Good
--- Sadly I Need the Protein
--- Like cheese that's been left out for weeks (Scorpion, Mexico?)
--- Like a Mouth Full of Puss (grubs from rotting sago palm, Equador)
--- Maybe Even Worse than it Looks
I thought the scorpion tasted like cheese that's been left out too long or something like that, but a mouthful of puss does ring a bell...
I desperately need to come down and watch more of those with you.
Actually I think you're right. Scorpion was 'Like cheese that's been left out for weeks' and the 'Mouthful of puss' was grubs in the sago palm in Ecuador. I'll fix the post.
And I think the anthill that did not come to fruition could go under "I need the protein."
Yeah, we have been craving more of those. Either the season ended,or it was taken off the air for a while during the "scandal". We may have to Netflix it.
It doesn't actually appear to be out on DVD at the moment, sadly.
That "scandal" is a freaking joke. Is he still fording icy rivers? Is he still eating insects and shimmying down unsafe precipices? Does watching his show make me hide under a blanket? Authentic enough for me.
Ah, Bear! Where have you gone? We've spent many an hour being entertained and yet grossed out as he sleeps beneath rotting deer skin to keep warm in...let's see, was that the highlands of Scotland...or rooting for him as he goes back up the rainforest waterfall in search for the milky sap that will somehow ease his gastric pain.
Right on with the grub tasting like a mouthfull of puss. That one stuck with me. And didn't he say something memorable when he momentarily boiled that sheep eyeball in the hot pot. Something like, "Hmm...it's actually cold and a bit rubbery...quite chewy...but it will give me lots of the 'vit-a-mihns' that I need."
yes, who could forget the boiled sheep eye in a natural hot spring in Iceland? oh, the memories we've made...
"It really does taste like chicken!" - turtle in the everglades
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