Well, maybe thats not entirely true. Maybe when "Friend Jeff" gets back from Italia he can send me a copy of the recent pic of Davey and I (with Davey's ninja bodyguard, Mark) at IHOP a while back.
edit: I realized Jeff had already webified it someplace, so here it is:

Actually I think all this post proves is that I didn't change much between 1985 and 1995.
I hope I'm not too much of a dissapointment. I appreciate the fine comments I got from some of you. I think Maren must have cheated she's so on topic. I am indeed 5'10 (way to go Lykaon) which is average. She even found a nice way to say I'm fat [and possibly weight]. I sit at a desk all day, I'm smart (if I do say so), plus all the physical charectieristics were right on, hair color eye color and skin color. I am even Caucasian/Latino. Someone may want to look into dunking her to make sure she is not a witch of some sort.
There was a period of time (college) where I did wear my sunglasses at night, and all the live long day besides.
This weekend my ninja bodyguard nd his wife are hosting a early 4th party. Dave, you should show up so I can beat you silly, I mean give you a hug. Jeff will be there too. He will help me "give you a hug" or I will "give him a hug" comprende?!
Hugs?! So sad - we're flying to the left coast for a week this saturday, so you'll have to go on without me.
Man. How much will readership on "As if you care." spike owing to having such an attractive man pictured on it? It will Spike like an evil Gremlin, I assure you.
Sorry to miss you this weekend, Dave. Apparently we've had some kind of corruption of the S.H.I.E.L.D. communications network. I've got my eye-patch on, and am looking into it as we speak.
Two-dimensionally, mind you, but still...
Raven, that is some OLD stuff you're quoting at me. You've been digging in your nostalgia files again, no? You're not just making Nick Fury references.
BTW, if Friend Jeff is coming down from the city tonight, I trust I'll hear about any late-nite IHOP action?
-And this isn't my nose. It's a false one.
Hope I didn't offend by being close. I like mysteries way too much, and trying to solve them is really fun. I knew you were Catholic, and I've never known a Catholic who was naturally blonde (although I suppose there are some), plus you decribe yourself as being both the quick brown fox and the lazy dog. Both of those descriptions are so brown (as is your blog background) that I had to go with dark-colored features. I certainly didn't mean you were fat (and I don't think you are), but I imagined that you work at a desk, and that tends to melt all the lean-ness off a person after a while. (So does having three kids....)
Anyway, thanks for posting the pic, Dave. Now I can picture Davey (and his jovial smirk) much better- AND I can continue to comment on your blog!
...So does having TWO kids!
I am lost in the quoting stuff but I do want to point out I was also right on! Bad Ass Central there with the beard and all...
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