Ok, so mine's below, and I'm counting on Davey and those of you without blogs to do this in comments here, but those of you who have blogopresence do this in your own space & link to this post. Here are the rules:
1) Go to the tvtropes Story Generator and get your random elements. Copy these into your blog post (or comments). If you get a totally sucky set, you can refresh and get another one, but try to do it with whatever you get the first time.
2) Write an outline for the pilot of a TV show using as many of the elements as possible. Post it on your blog or here. If you do this on your own blog, please post a link to it in comments here so we can all enjoy it. Try not to get fired from work for nonproductivity.
3) Go!
Edit: This meme will take more time than you anticipate; it is not for the weak. Bonus points if you cast your main roles.
1 week ago
really hard.
i don't know if i have that type of creativity.
and its very jargon-heavy
Awesome. I got an AWESOME set of elements. It's totally a show I'd watch. Unfortunately, my poor brain is mush at the end of the day and I haven't yet come up with the plot. If I do, I'll post a link here.
Here's a tip for both of you:
Post the elements on your blog with a note to your readership that you'll be writing it soon. That way you'll have to, and you'll be better for it.
Also, David, its only jargon heavy in its own made-up jargon, for which a whole wiki sits at your fingertips. That's no excuse.
And I don't believe for a second that you aren't creative enough.
OK Dave, I've got one, but I don't know how you want me to put it up. Just cut and paste it into the comments box here?
That works, Davey.
Setting: During the War
Plot: Eigen Plot
Mandatory Narrative Device: Practical Voice Over
Hero: Broken Hero
Villain: Enemy Without
Mandatory Character as Device: Spear Carrier
Mandatory Trope 1: Landing Gear Shot
Mandatory Trope 2 Ye Old Butcherede Englishe
(Optional) Stock Phrase: It Never Gets Any Easier
(Optional) Genre: Election Night
So this Idea mainly formed from Ye Old Butcherede Englishe and the fact that I love the whole concept of subverted tropes. Also my semi employed roommate is addicted to WoW. Let me set this up for you. I have a red lightsaber, I have multiple City of Villains characters and no Heroes, I read the webcomic Goblins and I'm running a game where all eleven primary characters are criminals. I grew up idolizing the guys in Goodfellas and Once Upon a Time in America; and I know I'm not alone. So I present to you all:
Tanorak: The Seeking!
Set in a fantasy realm in the middle of a long un-named campaign [During the War] we are introduced via crystal ball [Practical Voice Over] [Ye Old Butcherede Englishe] to the main camps. On one side there are thousands of gorgeous blond Elves and stout Dwarfs laughing as they force another wave of goblins and orcs to retreat. On the other side we have goblins, trolls, orcs, and other beasty-types. There are humans on both sides, but the differences are noticeable. Humans with the Elves and Dwarfs have neat facial hair and well fitting armor. One of the Humans is notable for his great looks, gleaming armor, and the way the camera lingers over him implying that he will be important. Humans with the Goblins and Orcs are split into two categories, the first, and largest group are hairy unkempt and dressed in patchwork armor, less important than kobolds. The smaller group is almost hairless, stripped to the waist and tattooed. Sorcerers. As the battle rages, the person behind the crystal ball voice over pulls back, and explaings that all of this is really a diversion. The crystal ball zooms over trees and grass, lakes and deserts until settling at a circle of people next to a forboding looking hole in a hill.
A small group of people in armor sits around a circle in relative quiet. They are a diverse group, and the camera pans each of them as the Voice Over reveals who they are [Eigen Plot] A pair of Kobolds, married. One is a thief, the other an assassin. An Orc is looking over a map and counting supplies he is the tactician and quartermaster. A huge troll is sitting with his back against a tree, he is the groups bruiser. He calls up to the top of the tree, asking if they are being followed. A Goblin sits almost invisible on the top branches. She is the guide, and draws back a bow. We track the arrow as it sinks into the chest of a figure in a green robe with blond hair "Not anymore" then to herself "that never gets old!" [It never gets any easier]. "Lets get a fire going then, I'm freezing" Our hero appears, a human, he is clean shaven and has tattoos, but he is wrapped in blankets, and he is growing a little hair on his head. The group proceeds to mock him for always being cold, and further more being such a crappy sorcerer that the guide can start a fire faster than him. He takes it well and the group does seem to accept him, even for his flaws. [Broken Hero] They discuss the plan and discover that none of them know exactly what to do after they reach the cave mouth, but the Orc is preparing to enter the caves if necessary. They were told to wait for a messenger.
A montage of a messenger leaving a castle by horse back, and traveling by ferry and boat and such. [Landing Gear Shot] As we see the messenger on horseback again we see the Kobold thief and the Goblin guide both react to unheard (by us) sounds and say at the same time "rider". A celebrity guest star gets off the horse and asks for Magus Tanorak. As the rest of the group suppress giggles, the human steps up and gets the roll of parchment as the messenger gets on his horse and rides off [Spear Carrier] He reads the parchment then passes it along saying that they have been tasked with recovering an ancient artifact from a temple on the southern continent and that they need to leave as soon as they can. The message was from the Grand High Lord Magus. They break camp and begin to head out as the voice over begins again talking about how the group may not look like much, but they were the right group for the task, even the pathetic excuse for a magician would play his part. The scene actually follows back along the way the rider took, back to the castle and then inside where the crystal ball itself sits in the hands of the man doing the voice over. As the camera pans to show his face, it is a dark and twisted version of the Human in the gleaming armor we saw at the beginning of the episode.[ Enemy Without]
So there's a couple of hours gone from my day, but I hope you all enjoyed it. I enjoyed subverting some things, like the Hero and Villain being on the same side, and the stock phrase, but I still don't know how to fit Election night into it. It s an evil dictatorship for goodness sakes, you don't elect them, except in sham elections maybe, and I don't think that makes for a compelling episode.
They need a volunteer for something suicidal. God, I wish I ahd more time to do this...
Nicely done Davey - you're looking to air this on Sci-fi? Or maybe late night on Spike?
Yeah, I think Sci-Fi, b/c to be honest, half the fun is going to be playing with the conventions. It's been done before of course: Order of the Stick, the above mentioned Goblins. But a genre referential TV show set in the epic fantasy genre? I don't want to claim first post, I'm sure it's been done before and I'm not thinking of it, but it could be a lot of fun. Major issue is that most of my charecters are in massive makeup. Budget and egos are likely to derail my project before second season, ah well, it was fun while it lasted.
I demand more TV pilots! The bet has been called, no more raises, time to show what you've got!
Maren writes Ivory Towers!
Jeff posts his tropes!
Davey: It occurred to me last night how to solve your makeup/cancellation problem. Do yours in animation - Adult Swim.
I vote that Davey starts his own blog!
And I'm with Jeff, I wish I had more time for this - super fun concept...
I went again and got another cool set, but I think it's out of my league....
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