Jenn thinks she's got a stumper for me: she wants a raw vegan recipe using Macadamia nuts.
I'll admit I was a bit worried with this one - I don't have any Raw-style cookbooks and am an adventurously non-vegan eater. Still, we have a couple of excellent vegetarian cookbooks that we often refer to, and I was able to find this recipe in Entertaining for a Veggie Planet, by Didi Emmons. Obviously to make this recipe Vegan all you have to do is pick a favorite fruit granita or sorbet instead of the dairy ice cream, and I'm sure not roasting the nuts to make it Raw is totally legit. I nearly had to use my "Phone a Friend" on this one; I would've depended on Terry Romero, a friend of mine who co-authored Veganomicon and has a new Vegan cookbook recently out: Viva Vegan. Jenn, if you do not own either of these books, you should! Terry, I'm going to tag you when this post makes its way to Facebook - do you have another raw macadamia vegan recipe that springs to mind?