A window into the life of a dave. Trivia, gaming, family life, useless exercises in distinction-making, and so on. Just another day in nerd paradise.
Friday, May 25, 2007
xkcd Rules
So, there's a few good webcomics out there. Actually, there's probably tons and tons and tons. Turns out the internet is B-I-G. But one of my favorites is xkcd, because its all nerd-point-of-view in the best ways. Examples:
those are really good.
i like the collaborate. listen.
I had you figured for a Vanilla Ice fan.
well, that should go without saying.
how about an excerpt from cool as ice
VI - is kat there?
parent - i'm sorry, who?
VI - you know, kathy, yo' daughta?
parent - hold on one second...
... busting at the seams here. very nicely done.
Dave, once again you have introduced me to something that makes me waste so much time at work I am in fear for my job.
So, to retaliate I leave you with this simple fact: tvtropes will ruin your life.
I already spent days on tvtropes! I love that site. But! Did you know about the coolest parts of it:
Story Generator
Pitch Generator
I love random generator toys.
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