Saturday, January 30, 2010


I'm trying out Posterous as a way of managing all my internet-postyness. It looks like a very capable solution and there are some things I'm excited to do with it. For now it will be replacing Google Reader shares while I evaluate it. Ironically, I'm posting this to my blog, then going to share it 'the old-fashioned way' in Google Reader so that anyone following that feed will see it.


Unknown said...


Dave Y said...

Because I would like my internet content creation (or, in the case of GR Shares, consolidation with occasional commentary) to be all in one place. Preferably a place that I have some degree of control over.

Is that what you're asking?

jeans said...

So does that mean I should add your Posterous feed to my Bloglines list, and drop your Google Reader shared items? And I think what Rob's really asking is, tell us why Posterous is cool or why you liked it over all the other options out there. I'd be interested in the answer to that too.

Dave Y said...

Jeans - if you have the As If You Care feed, you should be covered - my intent in using Posterous is to populate _this_ space. Posterous is cool because all you do is email them (which I can do just as easily as sharing in GR) and they'll turn it into a blog post, twitter post, facebook post, flickr post, etc or any combination thereof, without any further effort on my part. Plus their ability to take .mp3s you email and put them in the post playably probably means I'll be sharing more music more easily (which I've wanted to do but didn't have a solution for yet).

Unknown said...

Good Luck. I've never gotten Posterous past the "nice in theory" point, but I may have lacked commitment.

-Rob D.

Unknown said...

Sounds good.