Why doesn't the internet seem to have a post-apocalyptic fashion blog? Steampunk is fun and all that, but sometimes you want leather, sawed-off shotguns, kukris, and a desert wasteland.
It could post pics like these, maybe offer tips on making your own costume bits, or better yet it could be totally written in the voice of an actual fashion blog in an actual post-apocalyptic world that still had, y'know, internet and blogs. Critiquing each outfit in terms of survival usefulness, social toughness factors, etc. Anyone know or want to start such a thing? It's not something I could properly devote myself to, but someone, somewhere has to be ready to do this (or maybe already is and I just haven't found it yet). As if I need one more useless feed in Google Reader.
Game Night
2 days ago
It's okay, your blog could take a sudden turn, or do "Fashion Fridays." Ah, in our spare time, what couldn't we do to improve and beautify the world. One blog at a time.
Fashion Fridays, you say.... mark that as "under consideration".
I believe you're looking for http://en.wordpress.com/tag/postapocalyptic-fashion/ .
There's also a real-time survivor blog at apocalypseblog.com that's somewhat interesting.
That'll be a nice start, Rich, thanks!
Apparently some people don't need the butt-part to their pants in the post-apocalyptic future. I think I'll still need (or at least WANT) mine. And, the word verification for this comment is "grope." Hmmmmm.
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