The movers took everything that's going to England today, which means we're sleeping on air mattresses and borrowing towels to dry ourselves with. The end is near, even at the very doors.
In other news, David Mamet has an interesting change of heart.
1 week ago
Dinner last night was provided by one of my visiting teachers, rice and stir fry and homemade delicious sugar cookies. We ate it picnic style in our empty living room and the kids loved it. Camping out at home is kind of fun, though long term you would really get sick of it.
Wow, I can't wait to read the next installment of your big adventure. Dave we are loving the CD. Did someone rent your house? When will you see your stuff again? And do you have housing already set up for there, or will that wait until you get there?
When do you move into the hotel?
... and I'm with Tona, we need more info on the move. More than two lines worth. Really, David, I would expect more from you...
I berate you too, and in a similar spirit of love.
Oh and ah: Mamet's wrong about what happens when you remove the director from the rehearsal process. Take it from me.
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